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Welcome to my humble abode...ah...nevermind!

Base by Dark Rose

Its me with my new haircut and 1 of my fav outfits



Hey guys sorry for such a long update!  I finally removed that Monotone Madness contest from my contest page cause two people tried to enter.  It was al the way last year.  I was just a bum and didnt remove it till now.  The two people that entered are going to have their dollz posted on my site to apologize for my mucho stupidness.  Wow!  Lots of stuff for one update.  Not allot for the amount of time I was gone, but for an update yes.  I have 8 new dollz!  I am still utterly obsessed with making dollz with ms paint.  I LUB PIXEL DOLLZ!!  They are grand!  Also I have updated my photo album!  Wondered what I look like now???  Well now you can know!  Also, since i really needed to update some of my pages may be a little messy.  Im in the process of reorganizing my dollz so they are everywhere!  Sorry 'bout the mess!  Until next time!!


Other New Stuff: 

Once again...another of my Irish elf!

Anything But Ordinary
What should I name my Irish elf?

Current Results

Such a friggin cool base!!

Pruple Is grand!!

Yay, finally another lolita doll!!

Scarves are shexy!!

gah...why did i give her gay socks!  WHY!!!
*no adopting*

just a little pixel punk thing i did... shes cute!

all graphics and content are © Kristen 2002-2003 unless otherwise stated